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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Ikar HRA Fall Arrest Blocks with Recovery Winch would interest you.
  • Fall Arrest Block with an integral recovery mechanism,
  • Fitted with steelrope lifeline within a rugged aluminium housing
  • The attachment anchorage point on the fall arrest block is an open steel handle, suitable for connection via a Standard Karabiner type connector, or a Standard Karabiner type connector with an Anchorage Sling, or a Large Karabiner.
  • In addition to connecting the fall arrest block with recovery mechanism, it can also be fitted to the DB-A1 & DB-A2 aluminium tripods. To protect the user when ascending and descending a vertical shafts such as sewer systems.
  • The inbuilt recovery mechanism, can be engaged by pulling a pin on the side of the block and engaging a winding handle.  This then allows the device to be used to lift or lower a casualty post fall, or if they have become incapacitated in a confined space.
  • Available in 12mtr, 18mtr, 24mtr and 30mtr.
For more information, please click Here Regards,
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 0800 500 380

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Mt Wellington
Auckland 1051

4 Avenger Crescent
Christchurch 8042