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You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the GfG Polytector III G999S (1-8 Gases) Multi-gas detector with specialized combination combustible sensor - PPM, LEL, Volume % would interest you.
The Polytector III G999S features a slot for specialized combination sensors (CC/TC1 or CC/TC/SC2) for monitoring methane in different measuring ranges. It can be used in a variety of areas, including natural gas pipelines, sewers and storage basins. This sensor combination allows you to measure not only in the common measuring range of 0 to 100 % LEL (0 to 4.4 vol %), but also in 0 to 10,000 ppm or 0-100 vol % ranges. The G999S also offers four further sensor slots for up to three electrochemical sensors for toxic gases, oxygen and hydrogen as well as an infrared sensor for CO2 and combustible gases (LEL). The powerful integrated pump will reliably detect even the smallest of leaks and monitor gas concentrations in inaccessible areas or hard-to-reach places using either the suction hose or the telescopic rod. You can send measured values, alarms and statuses to the TeamLink via the optional radio module.
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