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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Ikar Twin Leg Fall Arrest Block 2.5 mtr Webbing would interest you. Twin inertia Reel type fall arrester housed within durable and sturdy aluminium housing with twin 2.5 metre webbing lifeline.

This fall arrest block is a sturdy, low maintenance device fitted with two webbing lifelines, terminated with two aluminium double action scaffold hooks.

The attachment point on the fall arrest block is a cast aluminium swivel eye ø16mm, suitable for connection via a Standard Karabiner type connector, or a Standard Karabiner type connector with an Anchorage Sling. Ideal for construction or tower climbing work.

Double fall arrest block / inertia reel / retractable type fall arrester

  • EN360 Aluminium housing with a webbing lifeline 
  • The rotatable Twin adapter TA05 is designed for connection to a IKAR full body harness with an attachment tunnel.
  • Twin adapter TA04 is designed for connection to a full body harness fall arrest D'Ring 
  • Robust aluminum housing with a rotational attachment eye
  • Lifeline made of Dyneema® webbing
  • Sewn in load indicator on lifelines 
  • The lifeline is tested over a double sharp edge
  • Large aluminium double action swivel hooks (IKV55)
  • Designed for the block to be attached to the safety harness
  • Weight 2.2kg
  • Standards; EN360; Complies with AS/NZ 1891.1
For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Based in Auckland, Accurate is one of the few 100% New Zealand owned and operated safety instrumentation companies in New Zealand today. This is in a market dominated by larger foreign owned companies, yet we continue to operate as a strong independent supplier to the NZ market.




 0800 500 380

192 Marua Road
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1051

4 Avenger Crescent
Christchurch 8042