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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Sordin SmartEar Impulse Earplug would interest you.

Using patented impulse filter technology, the Sordin SmartEar™ Impulse earplug reduces peak sound pressure levels produced by gun and rifle shots. Developed for military application and used by NATO soldiers, Sordin SmartEar™ Impulse is ANSI IPIL certified for impulse noise up to 166 dB where it provides 33 dB of attenuation. When sound peaks are not present, the earplug provides 19 dB SNR, ensuring voice and ambient noise can be heard with minimum occlusion effect.

By allowing air into the ear to reduce ear canal irritation, the wearer retains sound directionality and spatiality, critical in hunting situations. Combined with its small size and comfortable medical grade ear tips, it is ideal for all-day use, fitting unobtrusively under communication headsets or earmuffs.


A perfect fit is guaranteed
Medium and Large eartips included. (Filters are mounted in the large eartips.)

Acoustic filters are fitted with advanced technology mesh, ensuring your ears will remain well ventilated at all times.

The earplug is made of medical grade TPE. 

Value for money
Sordin SmartEar™ Impulse earplugs can be used multiple times. 

Natural sound
Natural hearing is preserved, which facilitates situational awareness.


  • 1 pair medium size 6-11 mm
  • 1 pair large size 7-12 mm
  • Metal container with keychain
  • Manual
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The ecommerce webshop is operated by Accurate Instruments (NZ) Ltd.
Based in Auckland, Accurate is one of the few 100% New Zealand owned and operated safety instrumentation companies in New Zealand today. This is in a market dominated by larger foreign owned companies, yet we continue to operate as a strong independent supplier to the NZ market.




 0800 500 380

192 Marua Road
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1051

4 Avenger Crescent
Christchurch 8042