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Keep firefighters connected on the ground and in the cloud with LUNAR

LUNAR is a handheld, wireless device to help keep a crew connected when it matters most, in the most unpredictable situations.

LUNAR can be used by every firefighter on-scene, on or off air, and is equipped with Firefighting Assisting Search Technology (F.A.S.T), edge detection enhanced thermal imaging and connectivity to provide an “all in one” safety solution.


  • LUNAR is a central part of the MSA Connected Firefighter Platform. Features include:
  • Out of the box wireless connectivity using LTE-M for local and remote monitoring*
  • LUNAR-to-LUNAR ad hoc network for connection between LUNAR devices
  • Exclusive Firefighting Assistance Search Technology (F.A.S.T.) providing distance and direction. Introducing the concept of collaborative search for quicker identification of the best entry point and search location
  • Manual and motion alarm
  • Compatibility with MSA G1 SCBA via Bluetooth, providing air status, alarm information, and more. Also can be paired with our Altair 4XR and 5X gas detectors
  • Usage on and off air
  • Thermal imaging enhanced with edge detection
  • Connection to the FireGrid suite of software applications for Local Monitoring, Remote Monitoring, Configuration, Personalization, Post-Scene Reporting, and Inventory Management
For more information, please click Here Regards,
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The ecommerce webshop is operated by Accurate Instruments (NZ) Ltd.
Based in Auckland, Accurate is one of the few 100% New Zealand owned and operated safety instrumentation companies in New Zealand today. This is in a market dominated by larger foreign owned companies, yet we continue to operate as a strong independent supplier to the NZ market.




 0800 500 380

192 Marua Road
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1051

4 Avenger Crescent
Christchurch 8042