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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the MSA Gravity Miner's Belt with Braces would interest you.

The Gravity Miners Belt with Braces has been designed specifically for use in the mining industry. Harsh environmental conditions and unique hazards demand fall protection equipment and utility belts that are durable, long lasting and multi-functional.

This premium solution is constructed using stainless steel buckles and adjusters ensuring longer life in corrosive environments.

The equipment belt is purposefully designed to provide an ergonomic solution for the carrying of MSA Self-Rescuers, such as the SSR 30/100 and SavOx devices.

  • Breathable waist pad constructed from a multi-layered padding which dissipates pressure from the load bearing waist belt
  • With adjustable shoulder straps, to distribute the weight carried from the belt to the shoulders.
  • Steel fittings
  • Tongue buckle load bearing waist belt, designed specifically to work with the MSA Self Rescuer range
  • Designed for adjustability, ergonomics and comfort for extended periods of use
  • Gear loops for greater functional use
  • Avilable in three sizes Small, Medium, Large
For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Based in Auckland, Accurate is one of the few 100% New Zealand owned and operated safety instrumentation companies in New Zealand today. This is in a market dominated by larger foreign owned companies, yet we continue to operate as a strong independent supplier to the NZ market.




 0800 500 380

192 Marua Road
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1051

4 Avenger Crescent
Christchurch 8042