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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the MSA motionSCOUT PASS Alarm would interest you.

This stand-alone personal alert safety systems detects the cessation of bodily movement and activates an automatic alarm. For enhanced safety the alarm can be activated manually also. It is extremely simple to use.

The sensitive, electronic motion sensor recognises all normal body Movements. Maintenance-free and durable - the motionSCOUT guarantees a great cost-performance-ratio.

The operating time is extremely high being >200 hours, same as the alarm time of 10 hours continuous sound.

  • Clear and intuitive to use
  • Sensitive electronic motion sensor
  • Highly visible red LEDs
  • Bi-colour LED indicating status & low battery
  • 95 dB alarm for >10 hours sound
  • Robust, easy-to-grip design
  • Integrated gasket
  • Rugged suspension clip
  • IP67 watertight
  • Maintenance-free
For more information, please click Here Regards,
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The ecommerce webshop is operated by Accurate Instruments (NZ) Ltd.
Based in Auckland, Accurate is one of the few 100% New Zealand owned and operated safety instrumentation companies in New Zealand today. This is in a market dominated by larger foreign owned companies, yet we continue to operate as a strong independent supplier to the NZ market.




 0800 500 380

192 Marua Road
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1051

4 Avenger Crescent
Christchurch 8042